“A kid threw a lump of cheddar at me. I thought, ‘That’s not very mature’”

A popular cheese joke involves the word “mature.” “Was walking down the street the other day and someone threw grated cheese at me… I thought ‘Hmmmm….. very mature’” was posted on Twitter on September 6, 2010. “I was walking down the street today and a couple of teenagers threw some cheese at me. I thought, ‘That’s not very mature’” was posted on Twitter on September 11, 2010.
“Cheddar” is often used in the joke, along with a line added that something is “not very sharp.”
Acuity ETS‏
Was walking down the street the other day and someone threw grated cheese at me… I thought “Hmmmm….. very mature”
7:09 AM - 6 Sep 2010
Jason Brant‏
I was walking down the street today and a couple of teenagers threw some cheese at me. I thought, “That’s not very mature”.
4:02 PM - 11 Sep 2010
David McDonagh‏
someone threw cheese at me, I thought ‘thats not very mature’
4:18 PM - 12 Sep 2010
Loli 🌈‏
“In school on Friday, and someone threw a piece of cheddar at me, and I said to them, ‘That’s not very mature’.” - @dieoffdeath
4:09 PM - 26 Sep 2010
Shit Jokes‏
Someone threw a piece of cheese at me in the supermarket, I didn’t think it was very mature.
3:17 PM - 29 Sep 2015
A kid threw a lump of cheddar at me. I thought ‘That’s not very mature’.
3:43 AM - 31 Mar 2016
Tharstern Blog
Top 10 Cheese Jokes to Celebrate Cheese Lovers Day!
Posted by Paige Denton
20 January 2017
4. A kid threw some Cheddar at me the other day. I said “that wasn’t very mature”.
The Big Cheese‏
Cheese puns galore!
My favourite?
‘A kid threw a lump of cheddar at me.
I thought ‘That’s not very mature’’
http://www.hexjam.com/uk/food-drink/17-of-the-best-cheese-jokes-of-all-time …
5:03 AM - 12 Jun 2017
Someone threw cheese at me. It wasn’t very mature.
submitted October 30, 2017 by Anonyhippopotamus
A kid threw a chunk of cheddar at me today
submitted December 3, 2017 by pinniped1
I didn’t think that was very mature.
Fortunately, it wasn’t sharp.