“A keyboard walks into a bar…” (bar joke)

“A guy walks into a bar…” is a typical form of what has been called the “bar joke.” A keyboard version was posted on Twitter on January 22, 2011:
“Keyboard walks into a bar and orders a drink. Barkeep says It’ll be 4.50. Keyboard says Put it on my tab.”
There have been several other punchlines to the “keyboard walks into a bar” joke.
Garry Polmateer
A broken keyboard walks into a bar and says, “Can someone call AAA, I lost my keys” #pun @mattrist @sigv
11:51 AM - 21 Dec 2009
Keyboard walks into a bar and orders a drink. Barkeep says It’ll be 4.50. Keyboard says Put it on my tab.
11:23 PM - 22 Jan 2011
Cafe’ On Main CT
A computer keyboard walks into a bar and the bartender says, “Sorry we don’t serve your type.”
12:30 PM - 11 Feb 2011
June 12th
A Keyboard walks into a bar & orders several shots, bartender said buddy ur a lil drunk, u ready 2 pay, keyboard said yea, put it on my tab
2:44 PM - 27 Mar 2012 from Little Rock, AR
October Jones
A computer keyboard walks into a bar. Barman says ‘Why the long SPACE?’ The keyboard beats him to death. The machines take over the world.
5:20 AM - 4 Jul 2012
Thucky 👤
A keyboard walks into a bar. Barman says “Why the long space bar?”.
7:43 AM - 4 Jul 2013
A keyboard walks into a bar
submitted January 12, 2016 by Lord10eagle
He orders a round of drinks fir everyone. The bartender asks him how he will be paying for the drinks. The keyboard says “just put it on my tab.”
A keyboard walks into a bar…
submitted June 16, 2018 by xevetv
“Start a new tab for me,” said the keyboard.
“But, you already have one…” said the bartender.