“A good pair of running shoes can last 400 miles” (running adage)

“A good pair of running shoes can last 400-500 miles” is a running adage of unknown origin. “Most good running shoes, however, should last for at least 500 miles (800 km) without the need for replacement” was cited in The Practical Runner (1978) by Robert Geline. “I’m beginning to wonder if most of the shoes out there are good for more than, say, 400 miles” was cited in the magazine Runner’s World in 1984.
“All you need to run is a pair of shoes” is a related adage.
Google Books
The Practical Runner
By Robert Geline
New York, NY: Collier Books
Pg. 32:
Most good running shoes, however, should last for at least 500 miles (800 km) without the need for replacement.
Google Books
Better Cross-Country Running for Boys and Girls
By George Sullivan
New York, NY: Dodd , Mead
Pg. 18:
But, in general, figure a pair of running shoes should last for about 500 miles.
Google Books
Runner’s World
Volume 19, Issues 1-6
Pg. 67:
Inspect Your Shoes Often “I don’t want to sound like I’m working for a shoe company, because that’s not my interest,” says David Martin, Ph.D., head of the U.S. Olympic Committee’s elite marathoners developmental program, “but I’m beginning to wonder if most of the shoes out there are good for more than, say, 400 miles.”
Google Books
Runner’s World
Volume 20, Issues 7-12
Pg. 70:
I recommend replacing shoes every 400 miles or six months (whichever comes first).
Google Books
The Injured Athlete
By Daniel N. Kulund
Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott
Pg. 37:
The life span is generally between 300 and 500 miles. Therefore, shoes should be replaced about every 400 miles or every 6 months. Air soles, the new composites, and gel soles may last longer.
Google Books
Current Therapy in Podiatric Surgery
Pg. 287:
People who run 25 miles or more a week should change running shoes every 2 to 3 months; those who run less than 25 miles a week should change shoes every 4 to 6 months. Running shoes normally retain decent shock absorption for 300 miles of use.
Google Books
Runner’s World, Incorporating the Runner
Volume 29, Issues 7-12
Pg. 76:
Even so, you can reasonably expect to get at least 300 miles out of a quality training shoe (though not from a lightweight training shoe or racing shoe). “l The upper end is tougher to specify. Some shoes may deliver 600 miles or more.
Google Books
On the Run:
Exercise and Fitness for Busy People

By Grete Waitz with Gloria Averbuch
Emmaus, PA: Rodale Press: Distributed in the Book trade by St. Martin’s Press
Pg. 156:
Depending on your running style and the conditions under which you run, you should change shoes after about 500 miles or six months.
Google Books
The Men’s Health Guide To Peak Conditioning
By Richard Laliberte
Emmaus, PA: Rodale Press
Pg. 324:
If you tend to run on hard surfaces like concrete or plant your feet heavily, replace running shoes every 300 miles. If you run on soft surfaces or are light on your feet, get a new pair every 500 miles, recommends Dr. Frey.
Google Books
Marathon Training For Dummies
By Tere Stouffer Drenth
New York, NY: Wiley Publishing
Pg. ?:
Knowing How Often to Change Your Shoes
Change your shoes at least every 400 to 500 miles. THis means that if you’re running 50 miles per week, you need to change your shoes every 8 to 10 weeks; at 80 miles per week, you need new shoes every 5 to 6 weeks.
Google Books
Beginner’s Guide to Long Distance Running
By Sean Fishpool
Hauppauge, NY: Barron’s
Pg. 15:
Runners and shoes vary so much that it is impossible to generalize about shoe life spans, but on average you can expect around 400 miles of good performance from a shoe.
Google Groups: rec.running
How long should running shoes last?
Bill Rodgers
>A good pair of running shoes should last about 500 miles.  At that point
>they might LOOK okay, but the support elements start breaking down to the
>point where they should be replaced.
I wholeheartedly disagree with this. Other than here and on the net, nobody anywhere will tell you that shoes only last 400 to 500 miles, and my personal opinion is only Nikes need to be replaced this soon. I just tried a pair to be an informed consumer, and after a week of running they show noticeable wear, moreso in a week than my GT2060’s show from a whole summer of mileage.  Another brand that may wear prematurely is Brooks.
Tim Rand
shoes last 400 miles. my shoes 400th must have coincided with mile 7 of todays half marathon. After that nothing but bilateral knee pain.
9:49 PM - 1 May 2010
101 Greatest Running Tips
It can be tough to stay motivated—especially when you’re tired or the weather sucks. But we’ve got 101 reasons why you can’t quit—from our friends at Runner’s World

4 Wear good running shoes “Spend at least $60. A good pair of running shoes should last you 400 to 500 miles and is one of the most critical purchases you will make.” -John Hanc, author of The Essential Runner
Mississauga Wellness
Top end running shoes usually last 400 miles or 640 km. In order to run this distance safely, find out if you are… http://fb.me/1j7lHpdJr
10:00 AM - 22 Apr 2014
True or false: A good pair of running shoes can last 400 miles. #running #trueorfalse
1:00 PM - 4 Dec 2014
Αριανα Περη
@lee_stephens12 and trainers are not cheap!! Mine only last 400 miles which is 5 months max!!
4:25 PM - 25 Jan 2015
Cardiff, Wales
Triathlete - Europe
July 31, 2015
Signs you need new running shoes
By John Byrne
Running shoes don’t last forever, but you can’t necessarily follow the old adage that each pair will last 400 miles either. Running in old shoes can result in a variety of ailments as the shoe’s cushioning and structure breaks down, or trauma-related injuries (such as a bone bruise under the metatarsal heads) as the outsole wears thin.