“A cookie a day keeps the sadness away”

“A cookie a day keeps the sadness away” is a variation of the much older “an apple a day keeps the doctor away.” “A cookie a day keeps the sadness away” was cited on Twitter on November 3, 2009.
The cookie saying was extended into a joke. “A cookie a day keeps the sadness away. An entire jar of cookies a day brings it back” was cited on Twitter on October 12, 2012. “A cookie a day keeps sadness away. A whole box of cookies a day brings it back” was cited on Twitter on December 17, 2014.
A cookie a day keeps the sadness away.
12:01 AM - 3 Nov 2009
Jesse Korman
A cookie a day keeps the sadness away
3:08 PM - 1 Mar 2011
Deviant Art
July 30, 2011
just smile
by adrkrist
Photography / Still Life / Food and Drink©2011-2014 adrkrist
a cookie a day keeps sadness away :D
Press Dough
Cookie therapy:  A cookie a day keeps sadness away.  Need a lift?  Add some baking powder to your #cookie recipes.
11:05 AM - 4 Oct 2011
A cookie a day keeps the sadness away. An entire jar of cookies a day brings it back.
10:28 AM - 12 Oct 2012
Shivani Shah
A cookie a day keeps sadness away. An entire jar of cookies a day brings it back.
5:05 AM - 26 Oct 2012
Tiffany Yo
A cookie a day keeps sadness away. An entire jar brings it right back. #cookie #whatmakesmesmile #food #happiness
8:59 PM - 5 Dec 2012
Marble Slab KSA
a cookie a day keeps sadness away 😊
10:43 AM - 10 Apr 2013
Funny One Liners
A cookie a day keeps sadness away. A whole box of cookies a day brings it back.
6:32 AM - 17 Dec 2014