“A conservative is a man who worships a dead radical”

Entry in progress—B.P.
Google Books
Volume 8, Issues 11-18
Pg. 266:
“A conservative is a man who worships a dead radical.” — John Simpson, president of the Farmers’ Union.
Google Books
The Garment Worker:
Official Organ of the United Garment Workers of America

Volume 32
Pg. 109:
“A conservative is a man who worships a dead radical.”—John Simpson, president of the Farmers’ Union.
Google Books
Summerhill: For and Against
By Alexander Sutherland Neill
New York, NY: Hart
Pg. 97:
The words may remain, but the spirit is soon lost. A friend of mine used to say, “A conservative is a man who worships a dead radical.” Nowhere is this more true than in education; one thinks immediately of Maria Montessori and John Dewey.