“A clean house is a sign of no Internet connection”

“A clean house is a sign of no Internet connection” is a jocular line that has been printed on posters. “A clean house is a sign of a broken computer” was cited in print in 2002 and is an earlier saying.
“Thinks a clean house is a sign of no internet connection” was cited on Twitter on March 26, 2009.
Google Groups: alt.mothers
Daisy Duck was stolen :-(
Irish Marie
>Mummy to Rebecca Grace
>“A clean house is a sign of a broken computer”
*Funny* short sayings - add yours!
10-22-2004, 09:06 AM
A clean house is a sign of a broken computer
Rachel Keslensky
Seen on an icon: “A clean house is a sign of a broken computer”.
4:27 PM - 6 Jan 2008
thinks a clean house is a sign of no internet connection
6:08 AM - 26 Mar 2009
barbara hymus
thinks that a clean house is a sign of no Internet connection
8:55 AM - 1 Apr 2009
A clean house is a sign of no internet connection (Isabel)
5:24 AM - 30 Sep 2009
Blog: A clean house is a sign of no Internet connection.
By Shelley On March 3, 2012
The best thing about having people come and stay in your house, is that it forces you to do a whole lot of jobs that have been on the To Do list for a very long time. Well, perhaps the second best thing – the best thing is having people come and stay at your house!
A CLEAN HOUSE - Is a sign of no Internet connection
2012.04.28 submitted by Beloff 431
Google Books
Chuckle, Giggle, Snort!:
Quips Collected By Karen Money Williams

By Karen Money Williams
Lulu Press, Inc. (Lulu.com)
Pg. ?:
A clean house is a sign of a broken computer.
The Maids
‘Clean’ing Jokes. That are Actually Funny.
By: The Maids Team | October 30, 2013 4:14 pm
. A clean house is a sign of no Internet connection.