“A Canadian is an unarmed American with health insurance”

The classic definition of a Canadian in the 1990s and 2000s was “an unarmed American with health insurance.” “Definition - Canadian: An unarmed American, with health insurance” was cited in print in September 1993.
In January 1994, the one-line saying was credited to Canadian comedian and author John Wing, Jr.
Google Groups: alt.med.cfs
update and lament
Joe Jackson
... OFFLINE 1.39 * Definition - Canadian: An unarmed American, with health insurance.
* Origin: ONE WORLD Los Angeles 310-372-0987 32b (1:102/129)
Google Groups: alt.activism
“A Nation of Cowards” by Jeffrey R. Snyder
Stephane Evoy
An american stand-up comic (I don’t remember his name) summed up this subject with one catchy punch line:
“A Canadian is just an unarmed American with health care”
Funny, with all the budget cuts in american defence and the proposed american health care bill,...
Google Groups: talk.abortion
Linda Birmingham
A Canadian is just an unarmed American with health insurance.
- John Wing Jr.
Google Books 
Do’s and Taboos of Humor Around the World:
Stories and Tips from Business and Life

By Roger E. Axtell
New York, NY: J. Wiley
Pg. 23:
One definition of a Canadian is “an unarmed American with health insurance.”
Defination of a Canadian- an unarmed American with health insurance 😊
10:42 AM - 6 Aug 2008
The Star (Toronto, ON)
Bolinas is made for `second chances’
The trick is finding Bolinas. Locals have taken down signs marking the turn off Highway 1 so many times, the county vowed not to put up any more.

By: Maggie Gilmour Special to the Star, Published on Thu Jan 28 2010
Down the street, Chad, an ancient Vietnam vet with a mustache and a ball cap, leans on his car and laughs when I tell him I’m from Canada.
“A Canadian is nothing but an unarmed American with health insurance,” Chad says.
Urban Dictionary
An unarmed American with healthcare.
cheers to being Canadian!
by hiqwertyhi August 17, 2011
Google Books
The 2,548 Wittiest Things Anybody Ever Said
By Robert Byrne
New York, NY: Touchstone
Pg. ?:
A Canadian is merely an unarmed American with good health care.
John Wing
“A Canadian is an unarmed American with heath insurance” ~ Senator Angus King
9:48 PM - 20 Nov 2015
North Bethesda, MD
Definition of a Canadian: An unarmed American with healthcare insurance.
9:27 AM - 29 Nov 2015