“A burp is nothing more than a smart fart that took the elevator up”

“A burp is just a fart that took the elevator” is a saying that has been printed on many images. This riddle was posted on the newsgroup alt.tasteless.jokes on May 25, 1998:
Q:  What is the definition of a burp?
A:  It’s a fart that took the elevator.

“A burp is just a fart that took the elevator” was posted on the newsgroup alt.fan.james-bond on June 4, 2000.
”........and remember that a burp is nothing more then a smart fart that took the elevator up” was posted on the newsgroup rec.crafts.beads on June 5, 2004. “Burp A smart fart that took the elevator up” was posted on the Urban Dictionary  on April 8, 2005.
Google Groups: alt.tasteless.jokes
Q:  What is the definition of a burp?
A:  It’s a fart that took the elevator.
Google Groups: acadia.chat
Acadia/Wellington Group Meeting
Fredrick the Great
5 year old joke:  What is a burp?
Answer:  A fart that took the elevator.  😊
Google Groups: alt.fan.james-bond
Would Bond Burp?
Mike Feeney
A burp is just a fart that took the elevator.
Google Groups: rec.crafts.beads
Post your Bracelet Pick here!
Ray DeVous
........and remember that a burp is nothing more then a smart fart that took the elevator up…..... :-D
Google Groups: rec.crafts.beads
OT What’s that smell?
Ray DeVous
“the Comfortables”?  I love that implication.  I guess “Better Out Than In” doesn’t make it either.  Remember that a burp is just a smart fart that took the elevator up!  O:-)
Urban Dictionary 
A smart fart that took the elevator up.
this definition is used by the burper after the event has taken place.
by MERVERNATOR April 08, 2005
If a burp is a smart fart that took the elevator, what’s vomit?
10:57 AM - 6 Jun 2008
Lisa robertson
i think a burp is nothung but a smart fart that took the elevator.lol x
11:11 AM - 9 Jan 2010
O’Dell Hutchison
I firmly believe that a burp is strictly nothing more than a smart fart that took the elevator.
10:30 PM - 2 Jun 2010
Funny Status
A burp is just a fart that took the elevator.
April 8, 2012 Silly Status Updates
A burp is just a fart that took the elevator.
Funny One Liners
April 12, 2012 ·
A burp is just a fart that took the elevator.
Leslie Chow
A burp is just a fart that took the elevator.
5:16 PM - 30 Sep 2013
Reddit—Shower Thoughts
A burp is just a fart that took the elevator
submitted June 23, 2016 by ParauA97
Reddit—Shower Thoughts
A burp is just a fart that took the elevator.
submitted August 3, 2017 by madeyemoe
“a burp is just a smart fart that took the elevator” #Dollquotes @xDoll_Partsx
7:06 AM - 10 May 2018
If a burp is a smart fart that took the elevator
Then what the hell is a queef
9:12 PM - 23 Jun 2018
Bill Murray
A burp is just a fart that took the elevator.
9:57 PM - 1 Jul 2018