“72 hours later, you’re hungry again” (joke about eating deli food)

The old line about Chinese food is that it isn’t filling: “A few hours later, you’re hungry again.” New York’s Jewish delis are known for their overstuffed sandwiches, prompting the joke: “72 hours later, you’re hungry again.”
The line is often attributed to the late New York Times cultural reporter Richard F. Shepard, but it appears in a 1972 New York Times story by food writer Raymond Sokolov.
New York Times 
March 7, 1998
Richard F. Shepard, 75, Editor And a Writer for The Times
Richard F. Shepard, a retired New York Times writer who was also a former cultural news editor of The Times and was known for his amiably down-to-earth manner, which included meeting friends at a Theater District cafe he called ‘‘the Polish Tea Room,’’ died last night at his home in Fresh Meadows, Queens. He was 75 years old. 
31 December 1972, New York Times, “Filling finger food” by Raymond Sokolov, pg. SM25:
Many rude things have been said about Jewish food—that it is the major cause of heartburn in the New York area, that, after eating it, you get hungry 72 hours later and so on. These slurs most often come out of the mouths of people stuffing themselves with Jewish food.     
Save The Deli
New York Times: Summary of the Deli Conference
Thursday, August 2nd, 2007
The food historian Joel Denker began his presentation by invoking Richard F. Shepard, a New York Times reporter who has since died and who once said, “I love Jewish food, but when you eat, 72 hours later, you’re hungry again.”
New York Times
A Counter History
Published: October 21, 2007
Or as the New York Times reporter and deli aficionado Richard F. Shepard used to say, “I love Jewish food, but when you eat it, 72 hours later you’re hungry again.”