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Entry from November 15, 2004
“Lullaby of Broadway” (1935)
"Lullaby of Broadway" (1935) first appeared in the film Gold Diggers of 1935. The song is from the songwriting team of Harry Warren (composer) and Al Dubin (lyrics).

"Lullaby of Broadway" won the Academy Award that year for Best Song. The song was included in the 1980 Broadway musical 42nd Street.

'The lyrics are still under copyright protection, but the first line tells you to "Come on along and listen to the lullaby of Broadway."

Another line is: "The daffydils who entertain at Angelo's and Maxie's." One restaurant on Park Avenue South is now named "Angelo's and Maxie's."
Posted by Barry Popik
Music/Dance/Theatre/Film/Circus • Monday, November 15, 2004 • Permalink

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