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“My friend was in a quiz and phoned me, ‘What’s the second largest state in the USA?’” (5/3)
“Say what you will about the south, but no one retires and moves up north” (5/1)
“I love Mexican food them chicken case of ideas be so good fr” (3/25)
“Me: Is it gonna be hot or cold today? Texas: Yeah” (3/23)
“Texas weather and Texas women, pretty much the same thing” (3/23)
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The Lone Star State. An etymological dictionary investigating the origins of Texas words, names, quotations and phrases, specializing in modern slang, nicknames, slogans, proverbs, adages and aphorisms. A web site by Barry Popik.

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“Big hat and no cattle” (“All hat and no cattle”) (8/4)
“Bigger than Dallas” (“Bigger ‘n Dallas”) (10/16)
“Black/Dark as midnight under a skillet” (12/5)
“Bonjour, y’all” (Paris, Texas greeting) (4/14)
“Bottle of Pearl, please!” (Pearl Beer slogan) (5/15)
“Boy, Hidy!” (or “Boy, Howdy!”) (2/23)
“Bring it on!” (“Bring ‘em on!”) (9/9)
“Bubba likes it” (Lone Star Cafe slogan) (9/22)
“Bugled to Jesus” (to die) (10/3)
“Call them ‘Armadillos’ because the team gets killed on the road” (9/29)
“Can’t dance and it’s too wet to plow” (2/3)
“Cattle come first, then men, then horses, then women” (2/3)
“Change planes in Dallas” (where a Texan going to heaven or hell goes first) (9/5)
“Check the date, love your state” (vehicle registration) (8/21)
“Chicken for the strength, waffles for the speed” (Lucky J’s chicken & waffles) (8/18)
“Chief executives have no more feeling for stockholders than for African baboons” (T. Boone Pickens) (1/4)
“Chile is one of the few foods that has its own goddess” (Diana Kennedy) (11/24)
“Chile Today, Hot Tamale” (or “Chili Today, Hot Tamale”) (11/30)
“Chili is just cowboy curry” (9/2)
“Chili is just southern curry” (9/2)
“Chili is just Tex-Mex curry” (9/1)
“Chili is just Texan curry” (9/1)
“Chili is just Texas curry” (9/1)
“Chili is just western curry” (9/2)
“Clear eyes, full hearts, can’t lose” (1/6)
“Come Early; Be Loud; Stay Late” (Longhorns slogan) (12/6)
“Come on ice cream!” (post-jalapeño-eating saying) (2/26)
“Confused as a cow on AstroTurf” (or, “Confused as a goat on AstroTurf”) (9/4)
“Conserve Texas water—Drink Texas wine” (8/12)
“Country as cornbread” (“Country as corn bread”) (7/23)
“Country as cornflakes” (“Country as corn flakes”) (7/23)
“Courtesy, Service, Protection” (Texas Department of Public Safety motto) (12/20)
“Cowboy Up” (1/2)
“Cowboys don’t take baths—they just dust off” (3/10)
“Cowboys don’t roll joints. They tumble weed” (9/1)
“Cowboys go ‘yee haw’ and ninjas go ‘hee yaw’” (1/26)
“Cowboys: Scrape shit from boots before entering” (sign) (1/25)
“Cowgirls Rule” (from earlier “Girls Rule, Boys Drool”) (1/1)
“Crazy as a peach orchard boar” (“Madder than a peach orchard boar”) (2/2)
“Cry calf rope” (or “Holler calf rope” or “Yell calf rope”) (2/21)
“Cultivated mind is the guardian genius of Democracy” (Mirabeau B. Lamar; UT motto) (8/17)
“Dance with the one who brung you” (Darrell Royal) (12/7)
“Deliciously Different” (Big Red soft drink slogan) (4/13)
“Did you know the Missouri Pacific Railroad is mentioned in the Bible?” (railroad joke) (10/8)
“Difference between dead armadillo and dead lawyer in road? The armadillo has skid marks in front!” (9/3)
“Does the flap of a butterfly’s wings in Brazil set off a tornado in Texas?” (6/8)
“Don’t California my Texas” (5/24)
“Don’t call him a cowboy till you’ve seen him ride” (9/16)
“Don’t Canada my Texas” (2/25)
“Don’t ever underestimate the heart of a champion.” (Houston Rockets coach Rudy Tomjanovich) (8/16)
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