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Entry from October 06, 2004
Who played for Yankees, Knicks and Rangers in the same year?
Eddie Layton, an organist.

This trick question became famous when it was crafted into a Trivial Pursuit question.

3 October 1990, New York Times, pg. B1:
His name answers a Trivial Pursuit question: Who played for the Yankees, the Knicks and the Rangers in the same season?

Talk about achievements. It is Eddie Layton who claims to have first strung the notes B-flat, F, G and A into a portentious crescendo that drives fans to lunacy. And it was Mr. Layton who concocted the musical amphetamine that impells them to scream, "Charge!"

Posted by Barry Popik
Sports/Games • Wednesday, October 06, 2004 • Permalink

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