“When you leave New York, your next good meal will be in San Francisco”
Yes, there's good food in New York and there's good food San Francisco. Some say that you can get a good meal in New Orleans.
See "Names and Phrases" for other ways to finish "When you leave New York..."
8 April 1972, Clearfield (PA) Progress, pg. 22, col. 2:
The attitude is summed up by the New York affectation that "when you leave New York, your next good meal will be in San Francisco."
See "Names and Phrases" for other ways to finish "When you leave New York..."
8 April 1972, Clearfield (PA) Progress, pg. 22, col. 2:
The attitude is summed up by the New York affectation that "when you leave New York, your next good meal will be in San Francisco."