“Teaching—We’re not in it for the income; we’re in it for the outcome”
“Teachers/Teaching—We’re not in it for the income; we’re in it for the outcome” is a saying that has been printed on many gift items, such as posters, buttons and bumper stickers. The saying has been cited in print since at least 2010 and is of uncertain authorship.
Andrew Weiers’s Portfolio
3 March 2010
“we aren’t in it for the income; we’re in it for the outcome.” -jean blaydes-madigan
By aweiers
Hello, my name is Andrew Weiers. Thank you for viewing my professional portfolio.
Winona State University Bachelor of Science (Teaching)- GPA 3.39 on a 4.0 scale
Teaching Science to Future Generations
Friday, April 22, 2011
Pulling It All Together: Reflection and Self-Assessment
In my own personal power point on my philosophy of teaching, I would include a personal philosophy statement, which would reflect what I firmly believe about teaching and remain unsure about. This statement will probably change over time, however, it will reflect my feelings and beliefs about teaching and the importance of real experiences in the classroom to help students learn. One quote that I truly love and reflects my opinion and position on teaching is, “Teachers are not in it for the income, they are in it for the outcome.” (author unknown).
Classroom Connections
“Teaching we’re not in it for the income; we’re in it for the outcome”
Posted by: atortelli | November 7, 2011
Classroom Connections is a website designed to explore current issues and influences in the classroom including newest educational strategies, government impacts, and funding available to educators.
Education Week
Making Sense of the Whole “Are Teachers Overpaid?” Thing
By Rick Hess on November 18, 2011 7:49 AM
Stephanie Keiles
2:35 PM on November 18, 2011
I would agree with John Thompson - teachers are not in it for the income, we’re in it for the outcome.
Posted 28th April 2012 by Mig
transformED—Jessica Cuthbertson
Teachers: We’re In It For The Outcomes
Recently, a teacher friend posted this on Facebook: “Teachers – we’re not in it for the income, we’re in it for the outcome.”
After a long, hard week, it was just the sort of cliché I needed to read, “like,” and re-post. I needed to remind myself of my purpose in this complex profession.