“Why can’t New Yorkers play chess?”/“They’re missing two towers.”

A possibly politically incorrect joke about New Yorkers and the September 11, 2001 attacks on the World Trade Center (also called the “Twin Towers”) is:
Q: Why can’t New Yorkers play chess?
A: They’re missing two towers.

The “rook” chess piece is also sometimes called a “tower.” Jokes about the 9/11 tragedy, however, are usually inappropriate.
A chess joke (“the Muslim was well on the way to victory after taking the American’s two towers”) was cited on the newsgroup alt.humor on September 18, 2001. “Hey Mr Bush : Wanna play chess?? - No thank you, I’ve lost my two towers” was cited on Twitter on November 30, 2009.
“Why did 10 die?”/“Because he was in the middle of 9/11” is another joke about 9/11.
Wikipedia: Rook (chess)
A rook (♖ ♜ borrowed from Persian رخ rokh, Sanskrit रथ ratha, “chariot”) is a piece in the strategy board game of chess. Formerly the piece was called the tower, marquess, rector, and comes (Sunnucks 1970). The term castle is considered informal, incorrect, or old-fashioned.
Google Groups: alt.humor
An American and a Muslim play chess…
...who wins?  Neither…a plane runs into their building, the Pentagon.  Although the Muslim was well on the way to victory after taking the American’s two towers.
Google Groups: comp.lang.java.programmer
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Galen Boyer
On Mon, 15 Jul 2002, .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) wrote:
> In article ,
> Galen Boyer

>> my government should be able to tell your government what to do
>> and if you decide not to sell us what we need, well, you know what
>> happens then.
> Yes we know very well what happens when USA is using that attitude.
> People start hating USA, terrorists start attacking and George W.
> Bush will lose all his chess games bacause he is missing two towers.
> Btw, I was on World Trade Center last monday.
#Jokes Hey Mr Bush : Wanna play chess?? - No thank you, I’ve lost my two towers
8:50 PM - 30 Nov 2009
Skye Suicide
Why the americans never win in the chess?
Because he lost the two towers. - Huahuahuahuahaubrbr?
5:11 PM - 22 Jul 2011
Ivan Bezdenezhnykh
@koffboy Americans cann’t play chess any more. They’ve lost two towers.
8:20 AM - 23 Aug 2011
Why can’t Americans play chess ?
submitted September 18, 2015 o by InjustBiker
Because they are missing two towers.
How come Americans never play chess?
submitted October 20, 2015 by nickmariostories
Because they are missing two towers.
sebdelaroche 12 points · 22 Dec
Why don’t New Yorkers play chess anymore? They’re missing two towers.
Why can’t New Yorkers play chess?
submitted May 5, 2016 by hardpencils
They’re short 2 towers.