The Other Big Apple (Meaford, Ontario nickname)

The municipality of Meaford, in Ontario, Canada, is an apple-growing area. The city had used an apple in its logo, but, in 2011, it added the line, “The Other Big Apple.” Many residents thought that it wasn’t appropriate for Meaford to compare itself to New York City, and “The Other Big Apple” was dropped in 2014.
Meaford has had a “Big Apple” tourist information booth since 1974.
Wikipedia: Meaford, Ontario
Meaford is a Canadian municipality in Grey County, Ontario. Meaford is located on Nottawasaga Bay, a sub-basin of Georgian Bay and Owen Sound Bay, in southern Ontario. The municipality’s seal and motto reflect its heritage as a place of apple orchards, but in the 21st century the area has partly switched to weekend homes, seasonal homes, and lakeside tourism.
The Canadian Army maintains a training facility, LFCATC Meaford, 5 kilometres (3.1 mi) northwest of the Town of Meaford.
Motto: “The Other Big Apple”
Owen Sound (Ontario) Sun Times
‘Meaford, The Other Big Apple’ new logo
Don Crosby
Tuesday, March 15, 2011 4:15:05 EDT PM
Meaford has a new logo. But it’s not really all that new.
Meaford, The Other Big Apple, was chosen over five other logos, four of which didn’t include the iconic apple.
Council chose the logo as part of a branding exercise that’s closely linked to an economic development strategy for Meaford.
The former logo was a stylized picture of an apple with the words Municipality of Meaford across the bottom. The stylized apple remains but Meaford, The Other Big Apple, which trades on the comparison with New York City, was added.
“Before we didn’t have a tag line. So it’s important to have a tag line to produce more marketing materials and create the spin that we have with the integrated marketing campaign,” seconomic development officer Laurie Mitchell said after Monday’s council meeting.
Life Blooms in Meaford Haven
posted April 15th, 2011
How do you like them apples?
In the past, Meaford has been known as “The Golden Town” (which might have suggested a retirement destination for active adults to some) and “Meaford By The Bay”. But recently the beautiful Municipality of Meaford had a new slogan bestowed upon it. In recognition of the apple orchards that have flourished here for more than a century (not to mention Meaford’s unique tourism booth – a giant, shiny apple on the main street), Meaford is now “The Other Big Apple”.
Life Blooms in Meaford Haven
posted May 26th, 2011
Apple blossom time in Meaford
Meaford’s connection to the apple industry is apparent in our tourism booth – a ripe red apple on the main street – and in the Municipality’s new slogan: “the other big apple”.
And in the last few years, a delightful byproduct of our local apples, Peeler Cider, has been growing (pun intended) in popularity.
The Meaford Independent
March 24, 2014 ·
Meaford - No longer “The other Big Apple” after council votes 4-2 to ditch the contentious slogan.
Councillors Young and Stephens voted against dropping the slogan.
Watch for the full story in The Meaford Independent.
Meaford (Ontario) Independent
Council Says Goodbye to The Other Big Apple
Published: Tuesday, 25 March 2014 10:09
Written by By Stephen Vance, Staff
Some loved it, others loathed it, and Meaford’s council voted to discontinue its use at their March 24 meeting.
Meaford will no longer be marketed as “The other Big Apple” after a 4 – 2 voted to discontinue the use of the slogan that was unanimously approved by council in March of 2011. Only councillors Deborah Young, and Lynda Stephens voted to keep the slogan.
In a report to council, Meaford CAO Denyse Morrissey said that many in the community have expressed reservations, or a dislike of the slogan which attempted to playfully compare Meaford to New York City.
Meaford (Ontario) Independent
Should Residents Trust When the Municipality Seeks Their Input?
Published: Friday, 08 January 2016 09:27
Written by Stephen Vance, Editor
Some Meaford residents should be forgiven if they opt out of participating in the newly announced branding initiative being undertaken by the municipality. It was only five years ago that dozens of businesses and individuals participated in a branding exercise that resulted in the adoption of the slogan ‘The Other Big Apple’, despite the participants and the community at large practically screaming from the rooftops, “We don’t want to be known as The Other Big Apple!”