“Support our troops—We’ll need them to overthrow our government”

“Support our troops—We’ll need them to overthrow our government” is a popular bumper sticker saying. “Support our troops…..we need them to overthrow our government!” was cited in print in 2007. “Support our troops, we’ll need them to overthrow this socialist takeover of our government” was cited in print in 2009.
Alexander D.
Tuesday November 13, 2007, 10:37 am
When Fascism came to America, it was wrapped in the American Flag and was holding a cross. Now if anyone, even vetetrans, oppose the fascists word, they are branded as traitors and voided of Constitutional rights. It is my hope that the soldiers, and law enforcement officers realize that the oath taken to uphold and protect the Constitution are more than just words stated at the beginning of a career, but an actual promise to protect our freedoms from corrupt governments as well. Support our troops…..we need them to overthrow our government!
Hotrodders Bulletin Board
For any and all Vets and those currently serving
04-20-2009, 08:24 AM
The messiah will find many ways to get back at the infidel U.S. Military for attacking his muSLIME brothers. This is just the beginning. Support our troops, we’ll need them to overthrow this socialist takeover of our government.
Jennifer Blair
RT @NickDeringer Great bumper sticker: “Support our Military. We will need them to overthrow the government.” #hhrs #tcot
6:06 PM - 7 Jun 2009
Angry White Female
To White Servicemen Past & Present, Thank You
Posted: November 11, 2010 in Uncategorized
On this Veteran’s Day, I would like to offer my thanks and sincere appreciation to all of the white men and women who have served in the military, to protect their nation, and to learn and hone skills which can be used in service of our race. For those who scoff at the idea that military service can be beneficial under our recent government, I would like to quote a bumper sticker I recently saw- “Support Our Troops – We’ll Need Them To Overthrow Our Government“.
Support Our Troops. (we’ll need them to overthrow the government)  #SOT
7:17 PM - 8 Apr 2011
Daniel Malloy
Bumper sticker spotted in Columbia, sc: “support our troops; we’ll need them to overthrow the government.”
5:39 PM - 1 May 2011
Support Our Troops Well Need Them To Overthrow Our Government
– DECEMBER 25, 2011
Je’ Czaja
Bumper sticker from the #Hatriots>Support our troops. We’ll need them when we overthrow the government.
7:17 PM - 30 Nov 2012
Jim Hutchinson
Support our troops We’ll need them to overthrow our government. Sticker #1634 http://pinterest.com/pin/66287425739686012/
6:08 PM - 17 Jan 2014
Support Our Troops…We’ll need them… #tcot #pjnet #ccot #ORPUW #Teaparty #Army #Navy #Airforce #Marines #Veterans pic.twitter.com/OvEplqHEKz
5:47 PM - 9 Apr 2014