Steak Fries (potatoes)

“Steak fries” (the potato dish, not the outdoor event similar to a barbecue or fish fry) are a thicker cut of french fries, often served with steak. The thicker cut gives a baked potato flavor. Steak fries have the potato skins removed; potato wedges have the potato skins on.
The J. R. Simplot Company of Caldwell, Idaho pioneered the frozen french fries that are served at fast food restaurants. A 1971 issue of the trade magazine Quick Frozen Foods described “steak fries” as an innovation of the J. R. Simplot Company.
Wikipedia: French fries
French fries (American English, sometimes capitalized), fries, or French-fried potatoes are thin strips of deep-fried potato. Americans often refer to any elongated pieces of fried potatoes as fries, while in other parts of the world, most notably the United Kingdom, Australia, Canada, Ireland and New Zealand, long, thinly cut slices of fried potatoes are called fries to distinguish them from the thickly cut strips called chips. French fries are known as frites orpommes frites in French, a name which is also used in many non-French-speaking areas, and have names that mean “fried potatoes” or “French potatoes” in others.
There are variants such as “thick-cut fries”, “steak fries”, “shoestring fries”, “jojo fries”, “crinkle fries”, and “curly fries”. Fries cut thickly with the skin left on are called potato wedges, and fries without the potato skin are called “steak fries”, essentially the American equivalent of the British “chip”.
What are Steak Fries?
Steak fries is an American term for a particular type of French fries, usually more-or-less analogous to what the British call chips. As there are many different types of preparations for French fries, the terms used to describe them vary from country to country and region to region. Steak fries usually, however, refer to thickly cut wedges of potatoes prepared in the same way as normal French fries.
Q: Why are some french fries called steak fries?
A: Steak fries are different in that they are large thick flat or wedge-shaped French fries. They have more potato to the bite, hence the match up with steaks which are also liked big and tasty.
Simplot XLF Steak Fries
Product Benefits
. This hearty fry is perfect for those who want a baked potato flavor.
. Good heat retention makes these perfect for take-out, cafeterias, and room service.
. Great potato “bite.”
. 3/8” x 3/4” Straight Cut
. Extra Long Fancy
Prep Instructions
. Deep Fry: Preheat fryer to 350ºF. Fill fryer basket no more than half full. Deep fry for 4 minutes.
Simplot XLF Steak Fries w/ NW Shield
Product Benefits
. Extra long length delivers better plate coverage and yields.
. Hearty cut for a whole potato taste and better heat retention.
. Outstanding hold time.
. Potatoes grown in the Pacific Northwest: Idaho, Washington or Oregon.
. 3/8” x 3/4” Straight Cut
. Extra Long Fancy
Prep Instructions
Deep Fry: Preheat fryer to 350°F. Fill fryer basket no more than half full. Deep fry for 4 minutes.
Main Entry:  steak fries
Part of Speech:  n
Definition:  large thick flat or wedge-shaped French fries
Usage:  cooking

(Oxford English Dictionary)
steak fry n. N. Amer.
(a) an outdoor social event at which steaks are cooked (usually on a barbecue) and eaten (cf. fry n.2 Additions); 
(b) a thickly cut chip (French fry).
1907 Boston (Mass.) Daily Globe 29 Sept. 32/4   An open-air *steak fry at noon.
1949 E. A. Schuler & C. C. Taylor in Rural Life U.S. xi.199   Church and school entertainments, picnics, steak fries, barbecues, local rodeos.
1971 Manitowoc (Wisconsin) Herald Times 17 May 6 t/2 (advt.)  Frozen Big Daddy Steak Fries.
Google Books
Quick Frozen Foods
Volume 33
Pg. 66:
Three frozen potato items for the institutional trade are innovations from J. R. Simplot Company, Caldwell, Idaho. Steak Fries, packed in 30-lb. cases, are thick flat cuts of French fries, a companion item to Simplot’s wedge-shape thick-cut Ranch style fries, both processed in vegetable oil and bearing the Kosher K symbol.
14 January 1972, Springfield (MA) Union, pg. 17, col. 2 ad:
A robust half pound of tender, juicy, choice meat individually broiled to your liking. Served on our fresh-baked rye bun with crisp steak fries, creamy cole slaw, and tangy pickle spear.
(Ground Round restaurant—ed.)
22 January 1972, Chicago (IL) Tribune, pg. N7 ad:
We serve it with creamy cole slaw and crisp chunky steak fries.
(Ground Round restaurant—ed.)