Stawk (stock)

“Stawk” is a spelling of “stock” that became popularly used on financial blogs, especially among the comments. “Blew chip stawks” was cited in print in June 2006 and “Noo Yawk Stawk Exchange” was cited in February 2008. “BUY MOAR STAWKS!!!” was cited on Twitter in February 2013.
A similar spelling that often accompanies “stawk” is “bawnd” (bond). “Stawks and Bawndz” was cited in print in May 2013.
FileSharing Talk
Mr JP Fugley
06-26-2006, 10:10 PM
All my cahs are payd awff two. :snooty:
My home won’t be as soon ‘cause Iym gonna maik it bigga. :snooty:
Y’ve own3d multipull grate paformin’ blew chip stawks four allmost a dekaid. :snooty:
Lucas Around the World
Monday, February 11, 2008
Noo Yawk Stawks
Today we went to see the Noo Yawk Stawk Exchange. This is the extent of it. We didn’t go in it though. Given the warrant out for me because I robbed that bank, we didn’t think it was a wise decision. The NYSE always makes me think of Die Hard with a Vengeance.
Posted by Lucas at 11:16 PM
d2jsp Forums
Rawr New Stock Dump!
#754Dec 3 2010 07:34pm
Mmmm prolly by next week hopefully for right now I have these 58 stawks tho most of which involving people in suits :3
Slowtwitch Forums: Lavender Room
Nov 7, 12 8:00
Stawks Carshing Hard Today
S&P -2.2%%
Baba O’Muppet‏
@MarketWatch BUY MOAR STAWKS!!! #Muppetized
6:00 PM - 8 Feb 13
Zero Hedge
Biderman Bashes Buffett’s Biased Bearish Bond Banalities
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 05/08/2013 20:44 -0400
Wed, 05/08/2013 - 21:25
Stawks are reasonably priced !  Buy stawks !
May 16 2013, 09:02 AM
Here we go again.
Crappy jobs numbers released, and the 10-yr. Treasury Yield instantly crashes, commodity prices plunge, and investors celebrate by buying stawks!!
Kitco Forums
tall tom
05-27-2013, 04:56 AM
I have yet to hear any Folk Music that promotes Stawks and Bawndz, Central Banksters or Wall Street.
@reinman_mt but… stawks?
9:36 AM - 29 May 13