Spexit (Spain/Spanish + exit)

“Spexit” (Spain/Spanish + exit) is a word created to define a possible Spanish exit from the eurozone. “Spexit” has been cited in print since at least May 2012.
“Grexit” (Greece/Greek + exit) was coined in February 2012 and started the naming trend. “Gerxit” (Germany/German + exit) and “Brexit” (Great Britain/British + exit) both date from May 2012 and “Brixit” (Great Britain/British + exit) dates from June 2012. “Spailout” (Spain/Spanish + bailout) has been cited in print since June 2012.
‘Spexit’ Will Come Before a ‘Grexit’: Analyst
Published: Wednesday, 30 May 2012 | 4:30 AM ET By: Patrick Allen
Coming soon to a debt crisis near you: the “Spexit.” One analyst believes the so-called “Grexit”—a Greek exit from the euro—will not happen and thinks instead that a Spexit, Spain leaving the euro, is much more likely.
“The euro debt crisis, like any really spectacular geo-economic event, is spawning its own special vocabulary” said Matthew Lynn of Strategy Economics on Wednesday.
We can now add Spexit to a list which includes Merkozy and Grexit, and Lynn believes the chances of Spain leaving the euro are now higher than those of Greece leaving.
The Big Picture
Worries Over Spain … SPexit?
By James Bianco - May 30th, 2012, 10:00PM
MarketWatch.com – 6 reasons Spain will leave the euro first
Commentary: Spain is too big to rescue, and doesn’t want it anyway
The euro debt crisis, like any really spectacular geoeconomic event, is spawning its own special vocabulary. We’ve already had Merkozy, now relegated to the footnotes, and are slowly getting used to the clunkier Merlande or Merkellande, as the oddly matched pairing of the German Chancellor Angela Merkel and the French President Francois Hollande has been dubbed. The Grexit, short for Greece finally giving up on the single currency, has been trending for the last few weeks. And coming up next: the Spexit.What’s that? It’s shorthand for Spain quitting the euro — and we’re going to hear a lot of it over what promises to be a turbulent summer.
Spain Economy Watch
Thursday, May 31, 2012
Grexit? Spexit? Let’s Call the Whole Thing Off
One thing we’ve learned as the euro crisis has unfolded is that the enthusiasm of experts in London and New York for offering advice to the struggling countries on Europe’s periphery is matched only by their passion for awkward neologisms. The world was just getting used to “Grexit” (Get it? A Greek exit from the euro!) when “Spexit” began to rear its ugly head in the financial press.