New York’s Brightest (teachers)

New York has the Finest (police), Bravest (fire), Strongest (sanitation), and Boldest (corrections). Other, similar nicknames are less established.

"Join New York's Brightest -- Teach NYC" is from a 2004 city campaign to recruit teachers and teaching fellows.
An exciting and rewarding teaching career with New York City's public schools is waiting for individuals with high quality professional preparation and an enthusiasm for the challenge of urban public education. Our public schools educate over a million students in more than twelve hundred schools located throughout the five boroughs, and our students are the most culturally diverse in the world.

New York City's public schools want world class teachers prepared and committed to providing our students with a first rate education. Join New York's Brightest -Teach NYC.

Agent 16 Dubs Teachers 'New York's Brightest'
By Mae Anderson
April 27, 2004, 12:00 AM EDT
NEW YORK Police are New York's finest and firemen are New York's bravest. Now a campaign, created by Agent 16 and directed by Joel Schumacher, positions teachers as New York's brightest.

The centerpiece of the effort, for the New York City Department of Education, is a 60-second spot that shows children pasting up pictures of teachers over posters of celebrities Alicia Keys, Giants running-back Tiki Barber and DJ Junior Vasquez throughout Manhattan. As they cover images of Alicia Keys near Town Hall, a voiceover states, "Some of New York's most admired figures don't sell out concerts." The narration continues, "They'll never be a running back for the Giants. And they probably won't go platinum. But to millions of kids, their teachers are still the biggest heroes in their world. Join New York's brightest. Teach NYC." The ad began running April 14.

Education Update Online
MAY 2004
Join New York's Brightest
by Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg

Everyone knows New York's Finest, Bravest, Strongest, and Boldest—they are the men and women who serve us so well in the Police, Fire, Sanitation and Correction Departments. Now, to attract the very best to become New York City public school teachers, we've launched a new ad campaign with the slogan: "Join New York's Brightest. Teach NYC."

Teachers are the lifeblood of our school system. No profession touches as many young hearts and minds. Here in New York City, the challenges that teachers face are great, but the rewards are even greater. There's no better place to make a difference, and there's no better time than now. After years of bureaucracy and neglect, we're transforming the school system so every student has a chance to succeed. That's why we need the Brightest leading our classrooms.

Finding them, however, is a tough task. Each year, we must hire a small army of teachers to replace those who retire and leave the system. We must ensure that these new recruits are well qualified to teach the grades and subjects to which they're assigned—and lately we've had good success. During the current school year, the Department of Education has hired a record number of new teachers: 9,480 through January. Even more impressive is the fact that 96.5% of these teachers are state certified.

Compare that to the school year that began in 2001—when only about half of the approximately 7,500 public school teachers the city hired were certified. While our record is good, we're going to make it even better. The launch of "Join New York's Brightest: Teach NYC" takes us one step closer to the goal of giving every New York student the education they deserve.

Want another reason the Brightest will love teaching here? They'll be smack dab in the middle of the best classroom in the world—with our unparalleled diversity, our fascinating history, and our remarkable cultural vitality. Think of the field trips! Our theaters, museums, concert halls and galleries are already the best in the world—and, if this week is any indication, they'll keep getting better.

We recently announced a campaign to transform the Lincoln Center campus and turn West 65th Street into the "Street of the Arts." Soon after the doors opened to the newly redesigned Brooklyn Museum—home of the 2nd largest fine arts collection in the country! Not a bad week. Many other institutions are in the middle of exciting change: MoMA…the Brooklyn Children's Museum…the New Museum of Contemporary Art—and the list of projects goes on. So does the list of the world's greatest architects working on them—all of whom have been drawn to the creativity and vitality of New York.

It's not surprising. Whether in culture or education—in finance or fashion—New York has a unique opportunity to attract the best and the brightest. And that is exactly what we are going to do.
Join New York's Brightest

Teachers Support Network (TSN) is representing the City of New York in staffing thousands of teaching jobs, and interviews are being conducted locally over the course of the next few months.Please note that at the present time we are primarily looking for 'High-Need Area' teachers: Math, the Sciences, ESL, Spanish, Students with Disabilities and Bilingual Subjects, although teachers certified in other areas are also encouraged to apply. Only candidates that are already certified (or will be by 9/06) in NY or one of its many reciprocal states are eligible to interview.