Latte Liberal

“Latte liberal” describes a person who drinks a latte and is politically liberal. The derogatory term describes a rich person who holds liberal views that are convenient to him or her (usually making harsh demands only on others). “Latte liberal” has been cited in print since at least 1997.
Similar terms include “living room liberal,” “limousine liberal,” “SUV Democrat” and “Learjet liberal.”
Urban Dictionary
Latte Liberal
An financially comfortable person who claims to support liberal causes, then acts completely different.
latte liberals disapprove of school vouchers for kids in poorly run urban schools yet take their children to private schools, therefore avoiding the problems of public schools. Protesting the war in Iraq, yet support Tibet freedom from China, which would be even more bloodier
by Hepziba9 Jan 10, 2009
Latte Liberal Mug
Wikiality, the Truthiness Encyclopedia (humor)
Latte Liberal
A Latte Liberal is an elitist seperated and elevated far above the rest of the peasants.

While many Republicans drink lattes as well…..this is expected in order to keep Starbucks in business while the Liberal elite drink it….because they think it tastes good. Yuck!
26 October 1997, Los Angeles (CA) Times, “A Tale of Two Worlds; Globalization is reigniting class conflicts in America and around the world” by David Friedman, Opinion Part-M, pg. 1:
To a traditional left primarily concerned with improving the lot of wage earners and the poor the antihuman elitism latent in uppercrust environmentalism smacks of hypocrisy the hijacking of a political movement by one privileged group—latte liberals—for the purpose of hectoring another—corporate Republicans.
23 November 1997, Milwaukee (WI) Journal-Sentinel, “Unfettered corporate power can’t cure ills of globalization” by Carl Pope:
To make it more appealing to the blue collar constituency that Friedman claims to address, he trots out all of the class rhetoric of the new right—environmentalists are “latte liberals,” “elitists” who care about food safety but not about slave labor.
Seattle (WA) Post-Intelligencer   
Look who’s marching together post-WTO
Thursday, December 16, 1999
How could the beefy union man be locking arms with the latte liberal whose VW sports a Greenpeace bumper sticker?
HighBeam Research
Article from:The Cincinnati Post (Cincinnati, OH)
Article date:September 7, 2000
Google Books
October 2002, Los Angeles Magazine,  pg. 50, col. 2:
“I don’t know anybody— liberal or conservative— who has been involved with something that’s been reported in the Times who’s been happy with the reporting. The Times is what I call latte liberal, flaky liberal— their spin on things is toward the liberal side.”
San Francisco (CA) Chronicle
Pelosi mocked as S.F.‘s ‘latte liberal’ / Conservatives say her rise helps them
November 13, 2002|By Marc Sandalow, Washington Bureau Chief
“Latte liberal,” screams the conservative National Review.
National Review Online - The Corner
Latte Liberal
November 13, 2002 2:58 PM By Rich Lowry    
According to the San Francisco Chronicle, NR has “screamed” that Nancy Pelosi is a “latte liberal.”
Not so—we said it very calmly and deliberately.