Lamestream Media (Lame Stream Media)

“Lamestream media” or “lame stream media” (LSM) is an unflattering nickname that some have applied to the “mainstream media” (MSM). Newspapers such as the New York (NY) Times in the MSM often trail the blogs by days or weeks in covering news topics—reporting on incidents only after the story has reached a conclusion. The MSM becomes “lame” rather than “cutting edge.”
“Lamestream media” has been cited in print from 1999. Similar terms for “lamestream media’ include “antique media,” “dead tree media,” “dinosaur media,” “enchanted media,” “fringe media,” “legacy media,” “past tense media” and “vintage media.”
Urban Dictionary
Something that is so mainstream that pretty much everyone likes it and it becomes lame for that reason.
1. Dude, did you listen to Green Day? That’s so lamestream.
2. I didn’t want to be lamestream so I started listening to screamo.
by dave “pelirrojo” rogus Nov 18, 2007
Adj - A creative work that achieves mainstream popularity by trying to appeal to everyone, thus sacrificing the originality that made older fans first fall in love with said work.
See also: Sell Out
Carlos Santana became lamestream when he collaborated with bland pop artists on the album “Shaman”.
by Normal1515 Sep 7, 2009
18 December 1999, Waukegan (IL) News-Sun, Other Points of View:
Why is one fact repeated over and over again in the “lamestream” media while the other virtually ignored?
The Wall Street Journal
Voices Events With… Tom Weber
Anochka: How important will e-publishing be for authors to escape New York publishing “gate keepers”? Will e-books be taken seriously? Or will authors with non-mainstream views or with unfashionable stories to tell still be easily silenced by the status quo, lamestream media?
Google Groups: alt.politics.greens
Newsgroups:, alt.feminism, alt.politics.democrats, alt.politics.greens, alt.politics.liberalism
From: “Bruno”

Date: Fri, 7 Dec 2001 09:55:37 -0500
Local: Fri, Dec 7 2001 9:55 am
Subject: Re: More proof that left-wing LIBERALS HATE AMERICA!
And your “arguments” are very amuzing fantasy because they come from the lamestream media’s sewage system of “journalism” as well as the DNC.
Posse Incitatus
September 11, 2009
Lamestream Media
Two recent stories will probably not garner much coverage (if any) by the lamestream media (NY Times, Wash Post, CNN/CBS/NBC/ABC/MSNBC et al).  Why? Because they don’t fit the leftist narrative.
Free Republic
It’s OFFICIAL - “The Lame Stream Media”
Posted on Monday, September 21, 2009 7:24:54 AM by conservativesister
Sen. Ben Cardin (D-Md.) has introduced S. 673, - “Newspaper Revitalization Act,” that would the news outlets tax deals if they were to restructure as 501(c)(3) corporations, it has one cosponsor, - Maryland colleague Sen. Barbara Mikulski (D).
The White House is playing down the idea of government assistance for news organizations, due to dwindling ad revenue in the economic climate.
They are now LAME - this means Fox, Limbaugh, Hannity, Malkin, Free Republic and Drudge are the MAIN STREAM MEDIA.
The paradigm has now completed it’s shift!
Use the term “Lame Stream Media” anytime you can and pass it on!
Canada Free Press
The Wall Street Journal and Unalienable Rights
By Jim O’Neill Friday, October 2, 2009
“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.” - From the United States Declaration of Independence
It has been evident for some time that the liberal LSM (Lame Stream Media)—what Glenn Beck calls the “Fringe Media”—are out of step, out of line, and out of time.