K-Fart or Kfart (Kmart nickname)

Kmart, a retail chain store, was founded in 1899 in Detroit, Michigan. There are five Kmart stores in New York City (two in Manhattan, two in the Bronx and one in Queens).
Kmart’s nickname of “K-Fart” (also “K Fart,” “KFart” and “Kfart”) has been cited in print since at least 1995. Walmart has been nicknamed “Walfart” since at least 1994.
Wikipedia: Kmart
Kmart (sometimes styled as “K-Mart”) is a chain of discount department stores in the United States, Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands, and Guam which houses the largest Kmart in the world. The chain was acquired by Sears in 2005, forming a new corporation under the name Sears Holdings Corporation. Kmart also exists in Australia and New Zealand (see Kmart Australia), although it now has no relation to the American stores except in name, after U.S. equity in the Australian business was purchased in the late 1970s. Kmart is the third largest discount store chain in the world, behind Wal-Mart and Target; all three chains were founded in 1962.
As of January 30, 2010, Kmart operated a total of 1,327 (13 closing by late May) Kmart stores across 49 states, Guam, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands. This store count included 1,361 discount stores, averaging 92,000 sq ft (8,500 m2), and 29 Super Centers, averaging 165,000 sq ft (15,300 m2).
Kmart’s world headquarters was located in Troy, Michigan, in a sprawling complex which, since Kmart’s relocation to Illinois, has been slated for demolition.
Google Groups: rec.toys.misc
Newsgroups: rec.toys.misc
From: .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) (George Ulrich)
Date: 17 Feb 1995 01:09:57 GMT
Local: Thurs, Feb 16 1995 8:09 pm
Subject: Re: @*$%! K MART
C. W. Walker (.(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)) wrote:
: K Mart really pisses me off.  See if the following sequence of events
: seems familiar:
: 1)  K Fart gets in a new shipment of great toys.
: 2)  Everyone declares K Fart the toy capital of the universe.
: 3)  All of the new toys sell out at the speed of light.
: 4)  It is 6 months before they get anything else new.
: 5)  Goto #1
Google Groups: misc.invest.stocks
Newsgroups: misc.invest.stocks
From: .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) (Marthat Stewart)
Date: 1995/12/10
Subject: Re: kmart too big to vanish
Second - if you knew anything about Kmart - and have seen any of the multitude of press reports - you would know that a person doesn’t have to do anything to get fired from KFart, except make what they promised they would make. Fact is it takes Kmart 20 or more years to figure out that their long time managers and employees are worthless - why not - they got their training form Kmart.
Google Groups: alt.romance
Newsgroups: alt.romance
From: .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)
Date: 1998/08/31
Subject: Re: Ray Gordon hit my filter list
Hey Dewd, call up any wall street trader, and ask them which is “bigger”, Walmart or K Fart. Besides, comparing K Fart’s skimpy stores to the likes of Walmart’s Sam’s Clubs and SuperCenters is like comparing a go-cart to a Peterbuilt semi.
Airliners.net Forums
Topic: RE: Do You Nickname Stores?
Username: DLKAPA
Posted 2005-07-26 00:55:28 and read 303 times.
K mart = K fart
Teri Today Message Board
12-01-2006, 05:45 PM
Nicknames for stores
k-mart = k-fart
Straight Dope Message Board
What are your pet nicknames for various products/businesses?
03-28-2008, 03:02 PM