“If fruit comes from a fruit tree, where does turkey come from?”/“A poul-tree.”

“Poultry” is often given in pun form as “poul-tree,” as in the Brooklyn (NY) Daily Eagle on December 13, 1867:
“Holly is the most popular tree at Christmas time; but on Thanksgiving day the favorite is poul-tree.”
A riddle has been popular since at least 1994:
Q: If fruit comes from a fruit tree, where does chicken/turkey come from?
A: A poul-tree.

13 December 1867, Brooklyn (NY) Daily Eagle, “Miscellaneous News Items,” pg. 1, col. 7:
Holly is the most popular tree at Christmas time; but on Thanksgiving day the favorite is poul-tree.
21 July 1887, Tyrone (PA) Daily Herald, pg. 4, col. 1:
While a Main street man was commenting in his family circle last evening on the stubborn way in which the price of eggs remains at the present high figure, his youthful hope asked him if it is not wrong for the newspapers to call eggs hen-fruit. “Yes, my son,” responded the fiendish father, “They are really fruit of the poul-tree.” The boy egg-spired.
24 August 1994, The State (Columbia, SC), “Just for Kids,” pg. D7, cols. 2-3:
QUESTION: If oranges come from orange trees, where does a chicken come from?
ANSWER: A poul-tree.—Dana Chan.
Google Groups: rec.humor
Nancy Carson
-If fruit comes from a fruit tree, what kind of tree does chicken come from?
A poul-tree.
Google Books
Totally Cool Clean Jokes for Kids
By Bob Phillips
Eugene, OR: Harvest House Publishers
Pg. 77:
Bertram: If fruit comes from a fruit tree, what kind of tree does a chicken come from?
Bunsby: You’ve got me guessing.
Bertram: A poul-tree!
26 July 1998, Los Angeles (CA) Times,” Laugh Lines; Pint-Sized Punch Lines,” pg. E2, col. 4:
* What kind of tree grows chickens? Poul-tree. (Cayla Naomi Penenberg, 9, West L.A., Temple Emanuel Community Day School)
Google Groups: alt.humor
Q: If fruit comes from a fruit tree, what kind of tree does chicken come from?
A: A poul-tree.
Google Groups: alt.humor.puns
Puns of the Weak 01-17-03
Stan Kegel
If fruit comes from a fruit tree, what kind of tree does chicken come from?
A poul-tree. (Quickies)
Q:If an orange comes from an orange tree, and an apple comes from an apple tree, what kind of tree does a chicken come from? A: a poul-tree.
4:47 PM - 13 Nov 2008
Campus Corner Apts
#LaffyTaffyJokes If fruit comes from a fruit tree, where does chicken come from?—a poul-tree
9:27 AM - 3 Dec 2010
If fruit comes from a fruit tree, where does turkey come from?  A poul-tree!  For more fun jokes that kids love, visit http://www.homeschool.com/news/ .
12:19 PM - 19 Nov 2012
Susan veitenheimer
@abbykwolf haha….if fruit comes from a fruit tree, where do turkeys come from?........ A ‘poul’ tree
5:50 PM - 27 Nov 2013
Google Books
Funky Chicken Jokes For Kids
By Peter Crumpton
PeteyRF Creative
Pg. ?:
If fruit comes from a fruit tree, where does chicken come from?
А poul-tree!
Google Books
Thanksgiving Turkey Jokes For Kids
By Peter Crumpton
PeteyRF Creative
Pg. ?:
If fruit comes from a fruit tree, where does turkey come from?
А poul-tree!