Givernment (giver + government)

“Givernment” is a dialect spelling of “government” that has been cited in print since at least 1955. In the 2000s, “givernment” has also meant a blend of “giver” and “government”—a government that gives benefits to many people.
A similar spelling is “giverment.”
Google Books
The Book of the Mountains:
Being a Collection of Writings about the Mountains in All Their Aspects

By Auguste C. Spectorsky
New York, NY: Appleton-Century-Crofts
Pg. 162:
“Now I hain’t no idea much how to run this givernment, an’ don’t claim to be so dad-burn smart, but I know there’s a screw loose somewhere! 
Google Books
To Please a Child;
A Biography of L. Frank Baum, Royal Historian of Oz

By Russell P. MacFall
Chicago, IL: Reilly & Lee Co.
Pg. 66:
He said the whites was all starvin’ in Dakota, an’ the givernment wouldn’t give ‘em any rations, an’ they was comin’ to rob us Injuns o’ what we had.
Google Books
The World Turned Upside Down
Edited by David Drake, Eric Flint and Jim Baen
Riverdale, NY: Baen Pub. Enterprises; New York, NY: Distributed by Simon & Schuster
Pg. ?:
“The Givernment’ll never find you down in there.”
Urban Dictionary
The idea that government exists to spend money and/or solve all problems of people, businesses or groups by spending money.
President Obama has really expanded Givernment spending.
I’m waiting for my givernment check to come so that I can score me some sweet crack.

by DOTK June 10, 2009
New word: givernment
posted 12/1/2009 8:40:42 PM |
Actually, it started out as a typo. I meant to type government. But, the more I thought about it, the more appropriate it became. Come tax time… what do you do with your money?
Yes… You will send it to the givernment to do as they please. You have absolutely no say in the matter.
I’m going to form a coalition to petition Merriam-Webster to change “Government” to “Givernment” because they’re all give and no govern.
10:37 AM - 3 May 12