Full Ginsburg (to appear on all Sunday morning news shows)

On February 1, 1998, William H. Ginsburg (1943-2013), attorney for Monica Lewinsky (the White House intern who had an affair with U.S. President Bill Clinton), appeared on all five Sunday political news shows. This feat was dubbed the “full Ginsburg.” THe five political news shows are:
. This Week (ABC)
. Face the Nation (CBS)
. State of the Union (CNN)
. Fox News Sunday (Fox)
. Meet the Press (NBC)
The junior senator from New York and Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton (the wife of Bill Clinton) did the “full Ginsburg” on September 23, 2007. Washington (DC) Post media critic Howard Kurtz answered questions about this on September 24, 2007, explaining the term in print:
“It’s happened a few times, and in fact is known as the Full Ginsburg, named after Monica Lewinksy’s onetime lawyer, William Ginsburg, who pulled off the feat in 1998.”
A Wikipedia “Full Ginsburg” page keeps track on the few individuals who have accomplished the feat.
Wikipedia: William H. Ginsburg
William H. Ginsburg (March 25, 1943 – April 1, 2013) was an American lawyer, best known for representing former White House intern Monica Lewinsky in her controversy regarding sexual activities with President Bill Clinton in 1998.
In more recent times, Ginsburg’s name has been connected to a slang term that is derived from a feat he accomplished on February 1, 1998. On that day, he appeared on all five of television’s major Sunday morning talk shows, the first person known to have done so. The feat is now known as the “Full Ginsburg”.
Wikipedia: Full Ginsburg
The “full Ginsburg”

This Week on ABC, Fox News Sunday, Face the Nation on CBS, Meet the Press on NBC, and Late Edition on CNN. State of the Union replaced Late Edition on CNN in January 2009.
The term is named for William H. Ginsburg, the lawyer for Monica Lewinsky during the sexual conduct scandal involving President Bill Clinton. Ginsburg was the first person to accomplish this feat, on February 1, 1998.
Washington (DC) Post—Media Backtalk by Post media critic Howard Kurtz
Critiquing the Press
Howard Kurtz
Washington Post Columnist
Monday, September 24, 2007; 12:00 PM
San Francisco: When was the last time, in your memory, that anyone got to appear on all the Sunday gabfests on the same day? Sen. Clinton, who made no news that I heard, promised no exclusives and yet got all the networks and cable news to agree to have her. How does that work, exactly?
Howard Kurtz: It’s happened a few times, and in fact is known as the Full Ginsburg, named after Monica Lewinksy’s onetime lawyer, William Ginsburg, who pulled off the feat in 1998. Hillary has stayed off the Sunday shows since declaring for president, so they all jumped at the chance to have her, even though no one was happy at having her everywhere at once.
Los Angeles (CA) Times
Clinton makes talk-show rounds
In a rare feat, the top Democratic hopeful is on all five major Sunday programs, discussing her health plan and Iraq.

September 24, 2007 | Jim Puzzanghera | Times Staff Writer
Appearing on all five major Sunday talk shows—the political equivalent of hitting for the cycle in baseball—is known among TV producers and political operatives as a “full Ginsburg,” after the first person to pull it off, Southern California attorney William H. Ginsburg. He made the circuit on Feb. 1, 1998, in defense of his client Monica S. Lewinsky, the onetime White House intern at the center of a Bill Clinton sex scandal.
Ginsburg had to scurry from studio to studio that day; Clinton taped her appearances from her home in Chappaqua, N.Y.
The Huffington Post
Liveblog! Dems Debate Tim Russert’s Giant Noggin!
Glynnis MacNicol and Rachel Sklar
Posted: September 26, 2007 09:11 PM
Glynnis (9:06:45 PM): It is fair to assume that after Hillary’s strong showing this week, and “full Ginsburg,” the gloves might be coming off. This isn’t a vote for “class president,” after all.
Rachel (9:07:08 PM): For the uninitiated, the “full Ginsburg” refers to taking a spin across the dial on all five Sunday morning shows, in honor of William Ginsburg, former lawyer for Bill Clinton during l’affaire Monica Lewinsky. It does not refer to wearing giant glasses and long black robes.
New York (NY) Times
Is Hillary Clinton the New Old Al Gore?
Published: September 30, 2007
This scenario was made official last weekend, when Senator Clinton appeared on all five major Sunday morning talk shows — a publicity coup, as it unfortunately happens, that is known as a “full Ginsburg” because it was first achieved by William Ginsburg, Monica Lewinsky’s lawyer, in 1998.
Google Groups: nyc.politics
Open Thread—Posted: 11 May 2009 08:30 PM PDT
Another excellent offering from The Full Ginsburg.
BTW I love the term “full Ginsburg,” which means appearing on all five Sunday News programs on one day, named after William H. Ginsburg…Monica Lewinsky’s lawyer. Cool trivia.
The full Ginsburg
By POLITICO STAFF | 04/15/2013
In D.C. speak, the act of appearing on all five Sunday news programs is known as the “full Ginsburg,” named after Monica Lewinsky’s lawyer, who in 1998 became the first to accomplish this feat. Since then many others have made the rounds. Here’s a look back at others who have hit up all five Sunday shows:
William H. Ginsburg, Feb. 1, 1998
William Ginsburg, an attorney for Monica Lewinsky, discussed allegations of his client’s affair with President Bill Clinton.
Urban Dictionary
full Ginsburg
“The full Ginsburg” refers to a PR hack or spokesperson making appearances on all five major Sunday morning talk shows in one day to push a pre-crafted talking-points message. It takes its name from William H Ginsburg, attorney for Monica Lewinsky, who was the first person to do so during the Clinton/Lewinsky sex scandal.
Secretary of State did the full Ginsburg this weekend to push for an attack on Syria.
by jbspry September 09, 2013
Tallahassee (FL) Democrat
Carl P. Leubsdorf: Kerry makes the most of Ukraine
Carl P. LeubsdorfDallas Morning News 6:53 p.m. EDT July 24, 2014
Appearing on all five Sunday morning television news shows has become a familiar practice since the term “full Ginsburg” was coined after the first person to accomplish the feat, Monica Lewinsky’s lawyer William Ginsburg, in 1998.