“Does running out of money count as exercise?”

“Does running out of money count as exercise?” is a jocular question that has been printed on many images. “The only exercise he ever got was running out of money” was cited in print in 1958.
“Does running out of money count as exercise?” was cited on Twitter on November 17, 2011 and is another way of saying it. “Does running late count as exercise?” and “Does balancing my checkbook count as exercise?” are a similar jokes.
Guard14n ღf eQuality
does running out of money count as exercise? #ff
4:02 PM - 27 Nov 2011
Adιtι देवो भवः
Does running out of money count as exercise?
6:55 AM - 2 Feb 2012
Maroelien Smit
Does it count as exercise if I run out of money?
6:53 AM - 23 Oct 2012
Men’s Humor
Does running out of money count as exercise?
4:03 PM - 14 Jun 2013
Funny Status
Does running out of money count as exercise?
June 15, 2013 Financial Status Updates
Does running out of money count as exercise?
Trending Blog Post Ideas
Nov 14, 2013
Here are 99 ideas for your blog post on “exercise”.
“exercise” is a trending, high ranking keyword.
1. Thinkin abt balanced life, i kinda miss my boarding school days. It’s perfectly balanced. Meal, school, prayers, exercise, sleep. now?
2. Must exercise for summer but bad knee. Be bikini ready or retain the ability to walk properly?
3. Starting my exercise regime back this weekend. Squats, Squats & more Squats! Does Sex count as good exercise?
4. Does running out of money count as exercise?