“Annoy a conservative—think for yourself”

“Annoy a conservative—think for yourself” has been a bumper sticker slogan since at least 2004. The liberal message means that talk radio and television (such as Fox News) tells conservatives what to think. The second part of the saying sometimes has variations, such as “Think, Care, Balance your budget” and “Think Hard, Do Good, Be Happy.”
A similar political saying—“Annoy a liberal—work hard & be happy”—has been cited in print since 1994. “Think outside the Fox” (Fox News) has been a bumper sticker saying since at least 2004.
Annoy a conservative - Think for yourself! bumper sticker
by designaproduct.biz
Annoy a Conservative T-Shirts
If you can’t beat them, you might as well annoy the hell out of them.  The Annoy a Conservative, Think for Yourself t-shirts will really tick off any fascist, neocon who crosses your path.  Liberals are well known for having diverse opinions and being able to think for themselves, whereas conservatives must ask their leaders or their preachers for guidance.  These Annoy a Conservative t-shirts are a funny way to show the Republicans what you think of them.  Thinking for yourself scares a lot of people, especially the establishment, and Imperialists don’t like that.  Get one of these t-shirts and show it off to your friends.
Brett C. Cammack 
#425898 - 07/16/04 11:06 AM
Annoy a Conservative - Think for yourself.
Fans Of Reality TV
09-01-2004, 10:06 PM
Annoy a conservative: think for yourself.
I’m Right
Tuesday, January 11, 2005
I saw a “liberal” with a bumper sticker that said Annoy a conservative, Think for yourself in Blockbuster’s parking lot…
She got out of her car and I said “Annoy a liberal, question Michael Moore”
She scowled at me… fuck her too
HighBeam Research
Dialogue, not labels, solves problems
Dillon Fishman
University Wire
(Arizona Daily Wildcat) (U-WIRE) TUCSON, Ariz.—As I drove to school the other day, I saw a revealing bumper sticker. No, not “revealing” as in displaying naked people. Revealing because it gave me a snapshot into a major problem in our society: The phenomenon of simplistic rhetoric and confused thinking. Put another way, the problem of addressing adult issues with children’s logic.
The bumper sticker read, “Annoy a Liberal: Work, Succeed, Be Happy.” My first instinct was to think of a counter-slogan, which might read, “Annoy a Conservative: Think, Share, Avoid Complacency.” But then I realized that displaying that sticker …
Lance Mannion
Annoy a Liberal. Drive like an idiot.
Lance Mannion on Saturday, June 25, 2005
On the road yesterday afternoon, I got caught behind a car with a bumper sticker that said, Annoy a Liberal.  Work Hard.  Succeed.  Be Happy.
You can buy a Liberal version of that bad driver’s bumper sticker.  It says Annoy a Conservative.  Think Hard.  Do Good.  Be Happy.  Which doesn’t even have the virtue of sounding sort of funny in a smart-alecky way like the conservative version.
I hope I never get caught behind a car with one of those on its bumper.
Lester Street
Thursday, March 16, 2006
Ignorance really is bliss
I can tell them the reason. Republicans are happier because they spend less time concerning themselves with the welfare of other people. After years of seeing those “Annoy a Liberal” bumper-stickers that say something about “get a job, work, earn money, be happy” (and wondering who would be so silly as to put such an ex cathedra statement on his damn car) I saw one the other day that said, “Annoy a Conservative: Think, Care, Balance your budget.” And that pretty much cuts to the root of my problems with The Right.
Times Herald-Record (Middletown, NY)
Beth: The Apostrophe Posse rides again!
By Beth Quinn
Times Herald-Record
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Published: 2:00 AM - 10/02/06
There just politically incorrect
So they’re, you liberals! Take that! Barbara Perry of Cornwall didn’t quite know what to make of this bumper sticker, which she spied at the Five Corners in Vails Gate. Aside from the fact that the Conservative creators seem to have their there’s mixed up, the insult doesn’t have much juice. (By contrast, my own new favorite bumper sticker: Annoy a Conservative — Think for yourself!)